Coach Application

Welcome! We appreciate your interest in the Valley Youth Hockey Association. This form is for individuals interested in serving as a COACH of a Valley Eagles team in 2025-26 Season.

Please complete all required fields. If you have specific questions or comments, enter them in the "additional comments" section at the end of this form.


Valley Youth Hockey Association Board of Directors

As a Coach, I will always familiarize myself with and attempt to adhere to the Valley Code of Conduct, Valley Coaches Handbook, and the USA Hockey Code of Conduct. As a Valley Coach, I will conduct myself as a positive role model for the players I coach. As a role model and positive influence, I will accept responsibility for my behavior and conduct and the conduct of my assistant coaches, managers, players, and parents. I understand that the Valley Board of Directors appoints all Valley coaches and that coaching positions are always "at will." I also acknowledge that inappropriate behavior of myself or my staff could result in disciplinary action by the Valley Board of Directors, which has the authority to remove the Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, and/or Manager at any time if it is determined to be in the best interest of Valley Youth Hockey Association and its members.
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